World Organization Recycling Database
recycle: purses
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  • Use a larger purse as an overnight bag. (Alyssa and Shane)
  • Use as a costume accessory. (Alyssa and Shane)
  • Give to kids to use for dress-up. (Alyssa and Shane; Jennifer)
  • Fill with a flashlight, maps and other emergency supplies and keep in the trunk of your car. (Alyssa and Shane)
  • Cut the handles or strap off of a small purse, slit two holes in each side, and put a belt through it. Use it as a fanny pack. (Kathy)
  • Donate to a church or day care so the kids can play dress-up. (Gail)
  • Use it for holding odds and ends from your house, such as screws, nuts, bolts, etc. Keep them organized using film canisters and prescription bottles. (Gail)
  • Use a larger size purse as a hanging plant holder. (Jennifer)
  • Use it for storing toiletries when traveling.

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